Friday, June 23, 2023

TRG Schedule

 NEW Technical Resource Group Schedule

Meeting times and dates are subject to change based on available space at the Oneida Community Education Center and interested committed participants who would like to make time arrangements for their schedule to participate.

Wednesdays from noon to 2pm

June 28, 2023

July 12, 2023

July 26, 2023

August 9, 2023

August 23, 2023

Who do I look for? What to expect? What do I bring? 

Short clip of where to go when at the Community Education Center for the TRG Meetings!

BlogShot- Ask Her Here (BMS)

(Who do I look for?)

Brooke Metoxen-Smith
Software Developer Program, NWTC (expected graduation date 2024)
AAS - Social Science, College of Menominee Nation (2013)
ONHS, Valedictorian (2004)

One of my goals as a project manager with NEW - TRG is to create an atmosphere for nerds, techies, and coders while integrating research towards tribal interest, online reputation management, personal branding, and creating a socially interactive group to groom the career investment and shift towards the IT Field. 
As we combat enterprise (job & cyber) security and self-sustenance in tribal politics - we must address online gaming competition and AISES inventions globally. I want to encourage youth, adults, elders - anybody to participate in learning a technological skill. Know what you are purchasing, push your collegiate relatives to improve their nation with their education and time with something we need (outsourcing jobs/products), improve your online presence, realize technology is a facet. 
I encourage professionals in the IT field to attend to develop mentorship. This is to develop more IT interest by finding out who is interested so we can provide those resources or develop it!

Let's create an IT group atmosphere with Native American mentorship with intro-prep standards to utilize group time effectively. To listen, be surrounded by the IT discussions, become informed on subjects you may not know are happening. You want to be part of the global social impact through technology, parenting and technology effects, taboo cultural imprinting reports with technology, and have an answer based on community input first. Then the world. Improve what is already out there! 

(What to expect?)

It's 2 hours every two weeks, I have a tight schedule - I am looking for a co-facilitator and other project managers that can provide content for the blog to maintain community interest, investing time towards researching subjects we will discuss at the group meetings. 

New people! TRG wants to answer questions, any IT Field related questions! Simple and unknown questions - let's try to figure it out together! 

Interested people looking to attend an IT Field Program. (Getting advice - I can tell you, learning software programming languages and basic digital/logical and mathematical courses can be daunting!)

Northeast Wisconsin Native American IT Field Interest Group (Focus) while maintaining community presence for American appeal. 

(What do I bring?)

The room is a projector, white board, and table space. We will be brainstorming, browsing website resources, researching, organizing projects, and providing feedback with those projects that can be presented. If necessary, we can reserve the computer room for individual access with projector for group projects as well (we do need to make future arrangements for that however, so you will have to contact and request ASAP!)

Laptop helps - tablet, phone. 


Developing or sharp-tuning tech skills, code skills, hardware components, current tribal programs and resources, IT topics, blog input content , and more!

Cultural input for language development/customs with an IT Curriculum. 


Watch for more blog posts from members and projects with TRG! (subscribe using your email address at the top right of this website and stay informed with new posts!)

You can also leave a comment below!

Any other questions or concerns contact: NEW.TechnicalResourceGroup@Gmail.Com

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Postponed Meetings!

 Postponed Meetings at CEC!

There will be an announcement with the Kalihwisaks August 2023 Publication, TRG will remain with every other Wednesday's at the Oneida Community Education Center on Packerland Drive for noon to 2pm and remain available with email:

Please contact with any questions!

Checking the first Blog, what are your thoughts for Projects?

IT Concerns

From cultural, language syntax, hardware upgrades, and personal performance with education or hobbies! What would you like to group together for in explaining the pioneering of Native Americans in the IT Field? 

The interest is hot and the debates have cold seats as we enter the age of technology. What we need in Native America is more concern on topics that relate to business, enterprise, and future foundations in socio-economics with sustaining identity in the future. 

Daily ingestions of bills, time management, while finding the intellect for research conductions and reputation with serious projects that could impact the community here and beyond. You can be a leader of information and research to project with TRG with IT Topics that need our response, now!

Blogging Projects for Community Comment

Every project with TRG Will be reported through Blog articles. Comments are made available with Gmail accounts. You may also email us with your comment to post and respond on the blog (or not per request). We want to know what benefits the community, in response, and with project management developments to become a reputable tribal lobbyist group resource. 

IT Field's may be the future, but we need to know how to build it first. Learning topics, developing our own with sovereign resolutions for online gaming, online transactions, and virtual currency. Where do we stand? What do we have to offer? What do we accept in those subjects?

IT Skills

Developing skills with projects. Learning machine programs, articulating an education journey, formulating skillsets in daily use as well. Internet searches, website recommendations, answering the simple question of "What do I do on the internet?" or "How do I use the internet?"

There are multiple websites, topics, forums, and libraries to choose your arrangement. 
There are personal hobby projects such as writing contests, poetry contests, publication submissions with scholarly reviews, social media outlets, and it continues to expand usage!

Contact for more information! 

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Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...