Wednesday, August 23, 2023


NEW-TRG is on Facebook!

ADD: Ktsyohkwa-Ase Hutsya

                        (The NEW People [for a] Future Land)

                        *Facebook does not allow the "^" for names.

NEW-TRG Blog Image "Interface"

The NEW-TRG for September and October 2023

Every Wednesday from 2PM to 4PM! **September 20 anticipates maintenance to the room but we will still be meeting to discuss and create an IT atmosphere for other topics, projects, and questions!

September 13, 20, 27
2PM to 4PM

October 4, 11, 18, 25
2PM to 4PM

Please find time in your day to check out the NEW-TRG meeting. Virtual Presence is in the process with Facebook, please add and subscribe to the blog at (in the upper right corner of the website, submit your email to receive prompts of new blog posts)! Feedback is necessary to keep the community involved with IT skill building and topics to stay informed and updated on what is happening with the world outside of our home plate. 


Interface:  1. a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact. 2. In computing, a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer. 

The idea of an interface in computing networks is to create the idea that we are on the same ground. What it does is extend the idea of what is known with communicating by creating an image in our minds of how this is resolved in a place described as intangible. 
The history of this term can be translated between cultural exchanged and lost in translation from historical reference. How would you describe this term if you depended on it to be configured now into a working term while relaying its integrity to stay strong in the future. What part of the language system enabled the intangible terminologies to exist? What is new in an intangible language system? Computation arrives in numbers, order, and the ability to compound problematic networks to create a unified solution of communicating an idea of what is happening while we communicate. This virtual reality is shifting into the education systems that twenty years ago was unavailable. The generational gap of education in IT is still young, in their 30's but the drive to learn it is minimal. The basic knowledge of how to operate what is needed and then remaining a consumer to purchase what you do not know the full operation of or desire to utilize that technology. 

The imprint you are leaving with your homestead is very minimal on creating the daily habits to encounter the future with the ability to maintain, understand, and persist if you do not engage technology with a discipline to create solutions and not get ripped off at best when purchasing it. 

What are other good terminology words to pick apart to digest as we figure out how to control the next technological impact on us that we may not know is watching us! (Yes, your camera can get hacked from a server of available tools that can use any recording camera, security, or otherwise available ping if you do not know how to protect yourself! Scroll down to read the blog post!)


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