Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Native-Owned Local Business Digital Presence

 DipSticks, LLC. 

The business we are working with is located on the corner of Wisconsin State Highway 54 and County J (Riverdale Drive) next to Oneida One-Stop. The automotive service shop is mostly known for oil changes, tire rotation, flush services, with full service. One thing they do not have, however, is an online digital marketing presence or website. You can call them directly and there are online reviews to read. 

So, how do we begin our NEW-TRG Digital Marketing Portfolio to begin advertising this local owned business - digitally - without maintaining a website or paying for an ad network to publish the ad click rate, conversion, and lead data research officially? 

Digital Marketing is an occupational role that provides the know-how to navigate channels of media platforms of your target audience, identifying the target audience, and researching their investments for the business itself. Location and prices do vary for local business owners and having a great location, most native locals will know, already does most of the heavy lifting for getting customers. So, who do we want to attract in this digital marketing campaign we are going to build with customer interaction only? 

Legally, Facebook and Instagram have just released the permission to be able to advertise with online stories that include instagram and facebook social media platforms (this was not allowed no more than a year ago to endorse a business, its products, its services to benefit from or promote - it was "at your own risk" and something that was convenient from the customer's point of view and self promoting appeal to character). So, using this permission lift - NEW-TRG is going to be producing an online social media campaign to support DipSticks in Oneida, Wisconsin by creating digital advertisements and requesting the share from its customer base. 

A couple of images are going to be made available via Facebook and we would greatly appreciate it if you could share, comment, and mention at the service that you saw the ad and wanted to mention (something in the ad) to prompt seasonal sales. Currently, DipSticks does not do any sales or promotional offers but if we can get the customer base to encourage digital marketing with their service, that is our ultimate goal with NEW-TRG! 

Why do we create material online, talk about what is happening local, if it wasn't for localizing our investments and creating our own sustainability to further that dollar by remaining within the community that supports our successes! 
Other ideas for digital marketing for our customer base success rates in doing story sharing, media inclusive promotions, and customer based prompts for reoccurring sales:

1. "B2B" is a "Business To Business" Digital Marketing category that occurs with synergy relationships in business. What can your business offer in return for services with business promotions that share customer references, referrals, or otherwise digital marketing appeal on websites, offices, or shipping with products and goods. This is often times pricey, there are markets for inclusive B2B that include reward programs for hosting their digital marketing staff to collect data, surveys, and otherwise continuous feedback to maintain their customer base projections for sales. This is most useful for competitive businesses who are trying to be different in a product that may be similar to others. 

So, do you have a beadwork business? Do you want to see a seminar on how business operations at this scale can be conducted with advice? How can your business provide insight to 'mesh' with Dipsticks now? Invest in your time - compare notes and learn how your time can be most effective now (Join NEW-TRG to develop an IT Skill and showcase your beadwork effectively!)

2. Provide incentive for the customer base. The NEW-TRG Digital Marketing Campaign starts from the customer, targeting the business (reverse role) to encourage sales, promotional offers, seasonal deals on products perhaps if they can buy bulk, and community appearances are incentive base prompts that want isolated expectations that create longevity. The feedback online and SEO rankings improve that begin to expand outwards from this location. It could grow, if the proper steps can be taken to establish a customer base and referral program. This would be the best place to start. 

I always wanted to know who had the best deals on parts, services, and if they were legit. Technically, we all want that local mechanic that will hook it up. Customer demands are often unmet or otherwise uncoordinated due to the lack of professional forum and referral. We need to encourage this - before the mechanic is required to have an automation (electrical engineering degree) programming charge to our usual bill. 

3. Why aren't specialized mechanics known? Some do this, some do that, but other's we barely know for a second before we are blankly agreeing with - well, I just wanted to know the price. The customer base digital marketing is a swarm of recommendation. Passing types of digital marketing advertisements noting something important, relevant, seasonal, or special - create the schedule for us. 

What do you need to be learned? Would you consider teaching? Would you request a type of skill to create the demand and supplier business charts? If there is enough demand, it is bound to be met. 

This is the plan - receiving digital marketing advertisements for DIPSTICKS, LLC. is now open! 
We will be posting digital marketing "stickers" in the blog, online, and try to get a response. Create that sense of community, and enjoy being in this push to support our local businesses. Also, it would be great if we could do this together so please submit to: 

Dipsticks Ad - 1 Example


Don't know how to make an advertisement? 

Go to NEW-TRG next meeting and we will discuss a couple of websites, examples, and a brief rundown on what digital marketing purpose promotes and how to change the appeal for a Native American demur. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Nuh-Night Stories: Programmable Pathmaking Fun!

 What do you techy 'bout reading a new nuh-night programming story you made? 

Children are adorable and then we move on. After that, its how do I make them even better? Well, at NEW-TRG we are talking about creating programming stories, IT stories, and having the parental suit on when it comes to instructional guidelines and how to go over this type of reading with your children. 

The structure it provides to handle a procedure of putting a new gadget together, reading your car manual, the household appliance list is growing, and where it comes from, how to fix it, and what this peice of luxury is going to need to stay around forever. All of the requirements you need to bring to the next NEW-TRG meeting is an instructional manual, a peice of tech that belongs to it, and see if we can identify words, processes, images, and how you interact with this peice of information to put together and maintain. 

It sounds easy and silly, but very necessary. You want to start somewhere, this has to be the best place to begin! Upon figuring out your device, making comments or notes in a place while putting it together. Do you save the box? Do you file the warranty (if any)? Do you save the website in your file folders in your browser to reference? How else are you able to categorize this purchase and validate its lifetime in your household list of items? 

Why is this important?

1. Personal article collections, database skills. 

2. Instructional terminology, comprehension.

3. Reference list, consumerism questions/responses from the product manufacturer while they are still a fresh operating entity. Some businesses may retire leaving your product questions null. 

4. Tutorial searching. Who do you prefer? Is there somebody? Where do you find these professional at-home specialists who test products? Want to be the local tech guru for consumer based specialties and recommendations? 

5. Teaching your children how to be independent and reference checking students of any new technology.

6. Most importantly, how to take care of your new product and maintain its maintenance (sometimes knowing how to take care of these products is half the battle). 

What is a nuh-night story?

Any bedtime story is great, fantasies of teddy bears, animated characters of any kind, and something to tuck them to sleep with (and yourself). Well, we understand the faster we are at getting our family time together in, the more enjoyable it can be if everyone is on the same page. Learning together can be fun. Putting a nuh-night story together in a programming code can help your child understand what is happening with their favorite game, the applications they see online, the ins and outs of what is happening with their handheld devices. Creating a story based on their age, comprehension, and what the parent is able to do - brings you up a couple notches in the tech elderhood and creates that relationship of instilling problem solving habits that every child needs to come from their parents. 

Some suggestive steps are:
1. Template designs with programming code, images of what it does, and then a short intro of how to make it happen with free software available. 
2. Re-design that same nuh-night story in your image, your words, your remix of what you want on that application. 
3. Further instilling the culture, language, and programming that nuh-night story to be something you created that can be used to inspire further IT education using this base inspiration with their parents!

 It does take time to understand programming but this is all very capable of doing. Knowing the process is the first battle of becoming familiar of what you can do and are capable of in future tech talks and IT interests!

Computer Story Making

                                                                                                                        Photo By: Michaela (Pexels)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Native Advertisement Project Pushing!

 What Can We Do @ TRG? 

Awaiting more people to arrive, making resources available for the community involves effort and patience! People need to make time for skill building and want to do something inventive, new, and happening with the future of communication and integrating it into our daily lives! I will be waiting. 

Currently, at an NEW-TRG Meeting, building an atmosphere for IT things is listening to chill music, watching a youtube video without sound, as they program a classic game, and working on the blog, editing for all age approach and creating the atmosphere that we need in the community to belong in our own IT atmosphere! 

Looking up demographical data for Native American programmers, there isn't much out there. I just read an article on the Southwestern Tribes not having any electricity for majority of their Nations, let alone dealing with water treaties and getting the basic amenities to their people. Well undocumented for residing in their original homelands, they are beginning to feel the pressure of falling behind an advancing society that surrounds them. 
It is a very pressing matter that Native American communities be in fields of renewable energy, energy production and planning, land management and faciliate mentorships with integrating language and customs into their value systems to create careers that fit their needs. The curriculum to do this involves having integrated people using the public school system or their higher educational journeys to assist these Native American communities to provide for future stability and creating the path now for more to follow. 

There are Native American communities that are undocumented and reside within pristine environmental sustenance - but without our involvement with future technological advancement and planning - for how much farther? The elbow room narrows within our own comfort and we do not have the tools to prevent its inevitability factor unless we develop together now!

PROJECT: Native Advertisement (Local Digital Marketing & TRG)


I am taking orders for any local business who wants to run an advertisement made by TRG for the Native American community and demographic sales to venture into other advertisement avenues with this initial data and reaction! This is a free project idea from NEW-TRG to advertise Digital Marketing skills! 

Please submit:
Name of Business
Any Specials
Trademark (Logo)
Digital Marketing history

NEW-TRG will be posting these results and monitoring our interaction and results from digital marketing strategies used with TRG!

Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...