Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Webinar State of AI: 2024 Review

 Webinar State of AI: 2024 with CodeTraining

The presentation was done by Markus Egger, President and Chief Software Architect (among many other titles) on the current status of AI and how it is available for business development in archival response in not only customer settings but with employee registrar queries and workload tasks. 

AI is a feature working interchangeably with other models in text and image. As the big competition markets with China and US where India's space program (no doubt near this as well) takeoff are focusing on their future investments and where we lack in robotic performance (in comparison to China), we are aiming for AI goals instead. 

Economical Impact with AI and Competitive Business Goals with AI

AI impact from CodeTraining Webinar

"The expected characteristic is that mainly the "middle" will be affected, while low-skill and high-skill jobs should be around longer" made an impact on visionary statements for employment, resource, sustainability, and competitive business strategies for investment. It is still a risk, more research, development, and preference for determining how we grow as entrepeneurs to the enterprise levels into government policy-making roles and how it will affect our leaders decision-making, education expectations/training, into the workforces they provide. 

Factors with CodeTraining Webinar

All Data Sets (Freely Available), Availability of Compute Power (Cloud services, platform service arrangements), Funding and Entrepeneurship, Well-trained AI Scientists, A Supportive Policy Environment. 

The AI term was coined in the 1950's, envisioned in usage that is not referenced today in the same light. It has shifted into what is now possible, available, and improving with each passing architectural framework into a "factful" Retrieval Augmented Generator (RAG) provided by programmer discipline. AI is not emotional but it will be able to talk to you in a relational interpretation, however, you must be capable of fact-checking and realizing that this is still new. GPT3 was released in 2020 and a year ago (CodeTraining's first webinar on the State of AI) Microsoft's Co-Pilot AI was not available. GPT4 recently released in its latest version in 2023 while other teams are also venturing in their competitive architectural models like Stable Diffusion 3 (An image generating model that has caused errors in censoring and filter errors in competition with TensorFlow with Machine Learning models), Whisper, Gemini, Mistral, and more. 

How can NEW-TRG use this informational review?

Global marketing, global competition, self-sustainability in business, and educational funds in AI, IT, Machine Learning backgrounds are highly encouraged. The future of the world is separating at a fast pace and with AI, is only going to boost performance and speed of work task flows, with less cost and less long-term damage or error (human-made or not). The accessibility and strive for improvement is now. 

What AI encounters and the knowledgeable user may encounter... 

I recently had an encounter doing ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) homework and asked Co-Pilot a question on PartialViews, that had an error in the descriptive language it chose to portray in the usage of the initial question. I corrected it and it acknowledged its mistake by supporting my correction. I was surprised by the response, and how in the Webinar, stated how "factfulness" developers strive to make AI tools. I became skeptical and other questions/concerns arised:

1. What imagery it cannot comprehend or relate in its responses - grabbing from multiple sources - yet can create imagery in some models... it is going to bridge this connection at some point, the assumption is neural networking models. 
2. How the AI model could be corrected in a basic term and function with a well-known software program that I was searching for syntax in my question. 
3. Where knowledge in these tools, data, and concepts are needed and should be documented for improvement in not only the AI but how we are recruited as developers during this time. I thought of it as a 'while I can' since AI is still in a young age with the world. 
4. Other models with ChatGPT would ask the same question and the output would change, deriving multiple sources, reflecting average or library source or data governance flaws to its response factfulness being degraded. This was not the case, since it repeats these basic concepts and examples to not reveal answer but now act as an educational tool. 


Technology is young, we can definately step in and learn now. 

Competition in software engineering, architecture, and the cost impact depends heavily on the programming team and that's not mentioning the hardware and memory space with server and networking dilemmas to add to the chaos of what is a work space in today's working world!

The data being collected on you, your business, government, and global affairs. It's time to join the wave of technological input!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

NWTC Tutor Sessions & The IT Atmosphere

 Environmental awakenings and why we related to natural surroundings... how did the urban adjust in the cemented pavings after?

If you are unaware of your environmental surroundings and the types of impact it has on you, please begin to study the effects immediately. Adjust, collect data, and surface what embeds within you to create a positive impact in how you interact and proceed thereafter. 

The clinical studies of nature versus nurture is well regarded in psychological topics throughout collegiate conditioning. This is also true for the Software Programming field. You have to know when enough is enough. The logic thinking, the interactions with professionals, and the society we engage with in business relations are disciplines of creating the perfect environment to be yourself in. It is one thing to be involved, but to really be capable of being yourself in these environments, will forever change and continue to groom your professional demeanor. 

How is success defined through a Native American perspective?

Examples provided in any roundtable discussion with comrades and we will value our laughter for the moment and mood of any gathering. However, in our events, we must support a continuous message - and that message has been dominant in reviving, revitalizing and maintaining cultural perspectives in tribal teachings. 

So, how do we push this agenda with technology? 
Well, we begin IT Focus groups and invest in skill building, platforming with ideas that we can integrate on cultural perspectives, and adopt new ways of business. So, does this pertain to our educational settings, that we expect to learn the skills. But how do you know you are developing the proper skills in tribal educational settings? 

Enjoy the days when everyone is on the same intellectual level and understanding that we have to involve ourselves in stronger community foundations that take care of us. Technology can do that! Learn an IT skill, get involved, ask questions! Take that initiative step and improve!

Oneida Community Education Center on Packerland
Wednesdays 10A - 1PM
Check it out! 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

NEW-TRG Is back at it again!


NEW-TRG Is hosting a Valentine's Refreshment/Snacks Tutor Party where Software Developer courses will be going over homework questions, advising, and watching other programmer's troubleshoot code live!

Public is welcome, sign in with front desk and we will be located in the "Big Classroom" in the back. Check out our blog posts for the video that shows exactly where! You can also ask the front desk staff as well!

A good idea to bring a laptop, questions, articles, or otherwise just follow along with the IT atmosphere. NEW-TRG is about creating a new environment to learn, delve into IT topics, and create an emotional relief of future questions and issues to have a stance in. Being prepared and researching now is always suggested when collaborating with like people. 



Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...