Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Requesting Blog Articles with Technology from the Community!

 What technological topic would you like to write about? 

  • Software you work with. Reviews, confusions, tips!
  • Data governance input, research, comments.
  • Questions you have for a sample article, how to include new formats, visuals, and professional appeal!
  • Graphic designing background and bio
  • What got you interested in the technology you work with (professionally or as a hobby)
  • The first in your family to speak with AI (what was it about, how did your family react, news after)
  • Training, seminar, webinar events - date, time, audience?

We want to know! As a community blog to enforce how we use technology in our professional lives and family lives its important to know how we can incorporate what we already do with it so we can get more done! Have spare moments of time to talk about other topics, clearing the calendar of events with new tasks, and maintaining the devices we own. 

Write an article, submit to to have it proofread, sample edits for message and clarity, and posted on NEW-TRG blog! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Resources to check out and be inspired!

 Native Enterprises in Technology

Searching for Native-Owned Businesses in Technology I was not expecting to hit big. However, the first on the search engine results page (SERP) resulted with this article that I encourage you to read up on. 

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) is a huge topic for AISES (American Indian Science & Engineering Society) students and what to do with their projects after competition isn't to just lightly put down feeling accomplished. Keep going with it. Carrying on with the project to further prove, create a business, a life's work could really take on other research methods and documentation for validity. The topic to invest in could help officiate those funds to further provide grants that could serve the people well if the subject hosts a light to do so. 

When picking out your subjects and investing in projects for STEM or AISES - undergo project themes that are valid, will be in your future, a need for the people or the future of the people, and formulate results to future problems by also curating to the preventative method practices we have. 

This year was remarkable to find in this topic. Before the Golden Globe inductees, to see the Cherokee Nation in the list with their enterprise. Cherokee Nation is leading in a population numbers while revival is strong - may they continue their progressive steps!
Surprising also, the Winnebago of Nebraska. I was surprised, personally, and happy to see nations in places of the dusted trails to thrive in STEM and AISES research/materials. 
What Northeast Wisconsin native communities can also know through this article are the multiple enterprises in Minnesota who are leading Indian Country with IT development. All of this locality should result in progressive work and support for each other. 
The telecommunications in the Southwest is also impressive to see solutions occuring as their populations boom, may they continue to be respectful of their sacred lands and maintan cultural priority versus mainstream impacts. 

FutureScape ai generated
                                                                              Image Created by Co-Pilot (March 20, 2024).

Monday, March 18, 2024

Entropy Project: Family Learning Fun Needed?!

 Entropy Project

What does entropy mean? Googling it, it is defined as "lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.'" It is also defined as "a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system." 

The entropy project NEW-TRG is looking for is getting a group of people, children, learners together and calmly discussing different scenes and phrases, words that describe entropy. As you explain it, keep them separated. What they hear picks up from their image of what it is describing. The group then reveals each, what it meant, and then to peice them together. 

This has to be done in a specific way. Cultural teachings with Native American materials emphasize the cultural spirit and guidance that are embedded withn them to act on scenarios to solve or follow. The Native American teaching is a direct descendant to contact with their environment how to solve something needed without prior teaching. People would relate this to natural instinct or natural intuitiveness. 

This is important for inspiration in art and interpretation. When entropy is a problem and Native America wants to solve it by being an inspiration that was guided with words, phrases, stories, and other verbal cues and tones to describing it. Do they naturally try to solve it? Do they portray a way to have an input and output system? More guidance with it will help us identify how categorizations exist with Native American teachings and how it has evolved with a modern education system. 

Entropy by shutterstock

Some things to talk about while guiding your learners: 

1. I have three large groups, you cannot be one until the second one and the third one doesn't exist to the first one. The word connection is what they know but together they do not. There is no way for me to know if they are color coordinated, but I do understand that they are units of power, with a power source. 

2. I have nothing containing what I am describing in groups that need to be identified by name. Each possess a reason why they are there but they do not know each other. There is no way to say who is better than the other. There is somebody else who sees this but I cannot speak to them or communicate with them. We are looking at them and wanting them to do something different. I see them and they are forming a spiral with them. They are using size from the smallest to the largest outward and arranging their heights as well. 

3. There are bodies of robots and their peices are mismatched. One robot has the other robots serial number, arm, controller, and can order parts for itself. Is this wrong? The robot missing these things has a controller, an arm, and a different serial number for another to order parts with but receives the wrong order. How do we fix this solution without them giving each other those parts back? They are working with a website that reads and uses these parts of them only and the shopping list is provided by their serial number. 

4. A dreamcatcher story. Where it comes from but in the future instead. The dreamcatcher was lost and was later used in a sci-fi setting that helped solve equational patterns called algorithms to have a start and end that started with the container but ended with the objects within. The patterns created smaller containers that intangible beings in hardware were able to squeeze past. It collected algorithms, patterns of repetitive tasks to monitor. How does this look like in the future, what materials did they use, what did it make when it was just the frame?

Entropy Discussions

Afterwards, the idea of entropy is to connect these stories. How did they organize them together. What did their connections value equal? How did they communicate with each story and out of all things similar - what was not the same? Were they placed outside of those values and the solution for a working order must be noticed in a natural setting and encouraged when not. What was the idea that caused something new to occur?

This is a real dilemma in IT Topics and technology today. Any actual entropy attempt, stories, or projects like this would be greatly appreciated! Have you done something like this for this reason? Please encourage this type of awareness and recognize the cultural teachings to enforce our place in the world and our value with the future. Please remain connected to what is important and encourage others to strengthen those cultural teachings. They are still needed as a diverse perspective in the world solutions!


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What is a hackathon?

 Hackathons in NEW? 

Here are a list of hackathons in Northeast Wisconsin and nearby resources to gain an idea of what they are, skill level, and basic itineraries of what to expect:

A group of Native American programmers, interested in IT Field topics, and/or starting a business want to expand to online stored and research for their tribal political interest to begin a career in leadership want to host the next Native American hackathon to support a team on the same level of interest and commitment. This is the next best launch party for any campaign, business, and adventurous group of friends to begin in northeast Wisconsin!

native hackathon image - ai generated
                                                                                    Image rendered by Co-Pilot (03-13-24)  


This is an IT interest group for the Native American community in Northeast Wisconsin and very interested in setting these goals in the future for grants and other potential experience to participate in one as a group. We can be fundamentally developing, hang out if you don't want to fully delve in just yet, and/or have a group to support your skills. We can do this! Begin to form a plan and recruit now to invest for your company future(s)!

Types of projects include business formatting with machine learning, AI, digital logic, and entropy in database designs for programming retrieval and storage are big topics right now that contain much potential to be solved. What we need are solutions on how to create or make an effective tool, software design, or otherwise profitable organizational chart using our methods. Traditional teaching isn't the most likely step into technology but that is because we haven't been able to interpret relational environmental practices with a hierarchy structure that can get entangled of dominance and food webs - which is not too far from being an example with online structures. Begin to translate for yourself and learn how to maintain in the IT Field without needing to pick and choose your time and lifestyle customs for identity assurance. 

Join NEW-TRG and check out a meeting at the Oneida CEC located at 2632 Packerland Dr. in Green Bay, WI!
oneida cec search

Meetings in this safe location are held every wednesday from 10AM to 1PM! Check it out!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

NEW-TRG and Reviewing Our Next Local Native-Owned Business

 Skenandore Tax! The New Native-Owned Business in Northeast Wisconsin!

Her name is Ashley and she is equipped with convenient hours, experience, and files your taxes online for you at a decent price. Go ahead and shoot her an email at:

She will respond with a website to upload documents and be able to provide you with a printed copy as well. I enjoyed her recycled paper with documents, saving one tree at a time, with old bingo paper to lighten the mood on this year's take-home! 
Here are a couple of digital marketing peices done by NEW-TRG to celebrate this new local business. Check her out!

Interestingly about these advertisements, the images were created using Co-Pilot the AI search engine using The response is awesome, very new, and since the webinar on the state of AI with codeMag - newly learned information that this will be the new office feature for running queries by incorporating an ai search boost which could ultimately reduce company manpower in 20 years or change it completely to include avenues yet discovered and worked. How exciting! 
Some review in the Designer portion considering "Native American" visualization, is the headdress. It is overused and is a key identifier for the type of person being requested. I like how they give variations of the appearance and appreciate the inclusions not prompted by the user search. 
Try it out! If you don't know how, show up or message NEW-TRG and we can assist you! 

We look forward to a blog article by SkenandoreTax reviewing software used with her business and what features she would like to see in the future. Writing software and being able to define these tools is a projected future and having these goals in mind helps the people be more self-sufficient. We look foward to seeing more participation in NEW-TRG! Recommend webinars, training, reviews, or mentorship. 


Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...