Monday, March 18, 2024

Entropy Project: Family Learning Fun Needed?!

 Entropy Project

What does entropy mean? Googling it, it is defined as "lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.'" It is also defined as "a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system." 

The entropy project NEW-TRG is looking for is getting a group of people, children, learners together and calmly discussing different scenes and phrases, words that describe entropy. As you explain it, keep them separated. What they hear picks up from their image of what it is describing. The group then reveals each, what it meant, and then to peice them together. 

This has to be done in a specific way. Cultural teachings with Native American materials emphasize the cultural spirit and guidance that are embedded withn them to act on scenarios to solve or follow. The Native American teaching is a direct descendant to contact with their environment how to solve something needed without prior teaching. People would relate this to natural instinct or natural intuitiveness. 

This is important for inspiration in art and interpretation. When entropy is a problem and Native America wants to solve it by being an inspiration that was guided with words, phrases, stories, and other verbal cues and tones to describing it. Do they naturally try to solve it? Do they portray a way to have an input and output system? More guidance with it will help us identify how categorizations exist with Native American teachings and how it has evolved with a modern education system. 

Entropy by shutterstock

Some things to talk about while guiding your learners: 

1. I have three large groups, you cannot be one until the second one and the third one doesn't exist to the first one. The word connection is what they know but together they do not. There is no way for me to know if they are color coordinated, but I do understand that they are units of power, with a power source. 

2. I have nothing containing what I am describing in groups that need to be identified by name. Each possess a reason why they are there but they do not know each other. There is no way to say who is better than the other. There is somebody else who sees this but I cannot speak to them or communicate with them. We are looking at them and wanting them to do something different. I see them and they are forming a spiral with them. They are using size from the smallest to the largest outward and arranging their heights as well. 

3. There are bodies of robots and their peices are mismatched. One robot has the other robots serial number, arm, controller, and can order parts for itself. Is this wrong? The robot missing these things has a controller, an arm, and a different serial number for another to order parts with but receives the wrong order. How do we fix this solution without them giving each other those parts back? They are working with a website that reads and uses these parts of them only and the shopping list is provided by their serial number. 

4. A dreamcatcher story. Where it comes from but in the future instead. The dreamcatcher was lost and was later used in a sci-fi setting that helped solve equational patterns called algorithms to have a start and end that started with the container but ended with the objects within. The patterns created smaller containers that intangible beings in hardware were able to squeeze past. It collected algorithms, patterns of repetitive tasks to monitor. How does this look like in the future, what materials did they use, what did it make when it was just the frame?

Entropy Discussions

Afterwards, the idea of entropy is to connect these stories. How did they organize them together. What did their connections value equal? How did they communicate with each story and out of all things similar - what was not the same? Were they placed outside of those values and the solution for a working order must be noticed in a natural setting and encouraged when not. What was the idea that caused something new to occur?

This is a real dilemma in IT Topics and technology today. Any actual entropy attempt, stories, or projects like this would be greatly appreciated! Have you done something like this for this reason? Please encourage this type of awareness and recognize the cultural teachings to enforce our place in the world and our value with the future. Please remain connected to what is important and encourage others to strengthen those cultural teachings. They are still needed as a diverse perspective in the world solutions!


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