Saturday, June 1, 2024

Intro to Python Course

Introduction to Python Course

NEW-TRG with Oneida CEC will be hosting an Intro to Python Course. Just a little reading material on what Python is and what you can use it for!

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general purpose programming language according to Wiki. The language is designed for user readability and strong indentation use - basically, how Americans read today using headline skimming and bullet points. However, in programming languages, the concepts are similar to other programming languages, which makes learning it a smooth transition into other high-level programming languages. 

The actual history of Python can be researched using the Wiki link if you are interested. Sometimes it does help knowing where the language originates to better understand concepts, language flow (dataflow) techniques and organization skills used. Math concepts and logical thinking are also a beneficial reach into grasping the core of the language goals from a user perspective of your own abilities with it. 

Where can I use Python?

In any career that uses applications, web frameworks (designing websites with javaScript, HTML5, CSS, etc. using a DOM - Domain Object Model), and with databases or with Machine Learning technology. Its versatile. I have seen listings in multiple different South American countries for programmers using Python and it is considered a top programming language in the IT Industry for entry-level jobs. There are multiple platforms that can use Python - and its readability scores mesh well with other careers because you don't have to study extra programming languages to make what you need, work! 

Programming Languages

Everything that you are working with on the computer has a system and architectural design of how it was put together for a user to interact with. A programming language helps protect, orchestrate, and execute your decisions and uses with it effectively using logical concepts. Currently, this has to consider digital logic and wiring techniques in programming languages because it is communicating with a machine. The machine has to use compilers of binary because that is the only language it knows. So, everything is interpreted in codes of binary using only 1 and 0, down to each letter. These letters of binary are compiled and the machine is putting up the saved character for it. The keys that are hit, the communication it is tasked with to display for the user, are all happening that its speed becomes dependent on the smoothness and quality of your application. That's why programming languages are used, to help the quality and interaction of users with machine. 

This has a world history that has been a consistent development since the 1950's (if not earlier) in America. The race to space, the education systems, the technological booms, and the mechanical drive for more developed lifestyles have been a huge success and integration of global lifestyle and luxuries. It is used in all inventions and continues to be a job security for multiple industries - technological programming and concepts. 

Haudenosaunee Concepts

Programming languages are derived from global cultural systems and educations that other people have to learn. Most times, logical and reasoning skills lack understanding in these areas. One experiential point of view to have is how to carry the Haudenosaunee teachings while learning these studies and what you are understanding while studying. There are some key points to remember:

1. Logical thinking consists of electrical knowledge and string theory. It needs to have a point of origin, a destination, and these have to have predetermined connections to solve future problems. It cannot be just a source that is pooled - that is quantum mechanics and quantum computing (not in this course). 

2. Logical thinking consists of mathematical concepts that you have been generally taught through education systems in America. These are a collection of basic arithmetic, algebra, and that is about it. Everything else is not necessary. 
3. Logical thinking and reasoning often consist of machine interpretation and machine compilation. If you want your program to work, you have to know the steps and syntax of how the machine is learning your task. It has to be read like instructions from the first line to the last and the best practices are not repeating yourself or over-explaining yourself. 

If you're an absolute newbie...

Some things I had difficulty with was imagining what I was doing, while writing a program. What does this look like (the words I was writing)? What is this doing and how does the computer know the stuff that isn't being explained? 

This can be due to multiple DOM (Domain Object Models) conceptualizing memory and software designed libraries that fill those components in. It knows the basics of what you are looking for because the limitation to what you can do and need to operate a program are embedded. There are multiple add-ons or plug-ins that you can hook up to your program to use like other tools or other images or other designed features you want to use. Python can work with these features but it generally consists of interface designed software or other web browser frameworks that you need to fit into to make what you want work. (Like the pair of jeans you want to wear need only a certain amount of size of what you can offer to make that work.)

Anything that you want to ask, can be worked with the group. The idea of this course is to gather data, advice, and logical solutions that Haudenosaunee can use for future IT Developers. The way we think, solve, and work together is much different than other cultures in the world. When we are able to collect and work together on a Python Intro Course, we will be able to write our notes and see the difference in the community about their feedback to educate later at an effective pace for us. 

I will admit, there are concepts that you will not accept. There are programming features that you will not understand at first. There will be times when you will blank out in your mind. This is all natural. But the more consistent you are with it and the more you ask questions and recognize that you are doing that - without idling in place to just get through it - the better off you will be at prosolutions and acting out the way to solve it. It helps in many facets of your personal life - what you blank out when learning or listening to your children describe something they are fascinated with that you have no prior knowledge in... It happens to us and it is time for us to realize how to solve it so we can be a part of it. 

Oneida CEC 

Oneida CEC is installing Visual Studio software so besides the Intro to Python Course, we can continue to learn together with NEW-TRG if you are still interested and begin designing apps, personal programs (if you ever wanted to create your own program for whatever reason), projects for school, or work tools. 
It will help you become familiar with a free tool (currently - take advantage of this opportunity!) and continue to be a part of the active revenue that is the sole reason we are able to afford our lifestyles and services. In Gaming, software generated by developers used in slot machines are a big beneficial amenity that most tribal people know nothing of. It is time to invest in the nation profits by being an active participant in our revenue and investments (especially while it is free or affordable)!

Photo by Darya Sannikova:

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