Friday, September 20, 2024

Project Propsal: Building a Mainframe

 Mainframe Proposal Research

The Top 10 Casino Management System Companies Who Rule The Industry is a good read on skimming over a couple of slot manufacturers, the Casino Management System (CMS) and future expectations to begin preparing for (augmented reality in games).

What type of technology are we working with?

Random Number Generators (RNG), RFID chips (in poker chip tracking), and from the website on "How Casinos Depend on IBM i article, "...machines that can keep running for months, even for years. You need this to keep track of your customers, the money you earn, and the money you pay out. You need it to keep track of the beds in your hotels, the food your kitchens serve, and records of people who passed through which electronically secured door, and when. Does that sound more like the IBM i you know? It sure does."

Why is this important?

If you haven't already checked into how software is changing the world and reinventing online revenue with competitive forces in gaming, website design - - online revenues are in another stadium for achieving greatness while preparing the package for casino profitability. 
The augmented reality and 3D slot machines have already been unveiled at casinos within Wisconsin and will continue to change the operational forces of style of game. The class from which its marketing has subdued profits to reveal gaming compact agreements which help fund state development and community corporate liability - online profits have not yielded legal responsibility. There are no laws with online gaming and online revenues made yet!

What is law is the fair access to internet providers at an affordable rate provided by an enactment from the Clinton Presidency and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Not much has changed due to the Presidency not being equipped with educational prowess or agenda to make a legal direction or support from it. 

With that stated, online gaming is illegal but without enforcement or measures to accumulate a task force to enforce, it becomes a constant competitor and loss of revenue for gaming appeal profits for legal stature within the US. Tribal Gaming and Nevada Gaming profits appeal to location which is supported by events, dining, and tourism attractions that rely on community calendars and hometown support for business inclusions. It's network has extended through political, business ventures, and synergy opportunists to entertain - not software development. 

What can be done now?

  • We need membership to learn programming, digital art, IT subjects that enforce cybersecurity, and troubleshooting skills while documenting the tech trail (or developing one for it if unavailable). 
  • We need membership to develop plans on solving entropy (gathering a group of wires to exemplify signals and organize their placements to not become entangled with continuous communication). 
  • We need membership to research memory, storage, cloud computations and use, the future investments in online revenues. 
  • We need membership to be aware of the age in technology at all times and compare their present state and awareness to measure the technological gap besides poverty medians to rely societal positioning on. 
  • We need you to care.

Recruitment is ongoing with NEW-TRG

The current project is teaming up with a retired mainframe specialist, Deb Poradek, who has an impressive IT presence with mainframes, teaching, and recovery provisional guidance in the overdose awareness community. This is important for anybody who is recovering from drugs/alcohol/substance abuse and wants to make a change in their life. A student from NWTC in the Software Developer Program as an Indigenous with experience to share and provide tips on how to prepare for this career setting with a relatable history in recovery is available. If you want to change your life and utilize your time effectively with a definite career path and goal - please join NEW-TRG!

Check your resources. This is the first of its kind. We talk IT, Tech, Data and welcome all paths to try this as your final lap in life. It consumes your time and is demanding of skill building. Just try!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Recruiting Membership - Here's Why!

Presenting Native America...

Native American Tech Talk - NEWTRG

Creating an Agenda for Native America

Looking at the literature regarding Native America presently available what scope are you going to present yourself with as an urban indigenous or underrepresented member of your community (on or off the reservation)? You have learned to group and lead by exemplary accomplishments within a structure that has now induced your culture to survive luxury. 
Emphasize SURVIVE LUXURY as a culture has not been a premise to accept because it involves membership choice as an American. The political structures now control your cultural structures and livelihood by grant, scholarship, career. 
What we surprisingly do not include in this luxury is technological roles to self-sustain our governmental preamble statements of being self-sufficient. This means that 'we are happy with what we have' attitude and the 21st lifestyle luxury of technology and learned lifestyle resources are creating a different citizen not ours. 

What can be done? School, work, kids, fun, me, sleep, pets, family, schedule...

First. The expected:

"I barely have time as it is!"
"How can I change if I am doing check-to-check living and can't afford to risk change?"
"If I do it, what do I get?"
"Plus the culture? I have to learn who I am with minimal resources and minimal computer skills. I don't even know where to start!"

Second. The attitude of doing it by choice: 
"I feel heavy when I do this, I don't want to. I'd rather sleep." 
"I get a headache or blurry mentality when I begin thinking of changing my life towards topics that I normally don't think of."
"I want to but don't know if I'm good at it." (I assume this one is a feeling without having the words for its actual description of pleasure or healthy seratonin output.)

Now, if this sounds like you and you understood the seratonin (word/definition/context) and it made you clearly think about what was going on. It means you have to cleanse your lifestyle first. Tradition survived because it was a lifestyle and you were surrounded by it constantly. The education that goes into drugs, alcohol, highs these days are affected into educational therapy consultations to explain you and what affects you. That part meant you are over-healing yourself without reward. 

How to cleanse lifestyle to create change

1. Stop listening to music altogether. Slowly introduce meditation music, music with no words. 
2. Stop watching television. For many years. 
3. Create a list of how much time you have without these two factors in your life. Monitor how you think, what you notice, read books instead and learn whatever comes into your life - thoroughly and always at your own pace. 
4. Smudge daily and include exercise. 

Why is this a Native American agenda?

The scope that you believed, whole-heartedly, and without a doubt cannot contain you and you are no longer a victim of oppression or a hate crime. You have to realize you are to blame for your actions in the world and the choices you made were because you put yourself there. 
This is to help you out of those mentalities, struggles, and spent time in a lifestyle not yours. 

Hopefully you realize the mentality you possess has to be formed by you. Native America does not have to trend but we do have to learn technological luxuries without being undervalued by it. We must develop with it or become absent in future agendas of America as we create listless emotions in somebody elses fame, fortune, power, and spirit.

Goal: Re-read it. Ask a question about it. Try it. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Gathering around the computer screen...

 Tech Glow How-To Videos

What a great way to market a personal brand, style, and present your side of the world to the universe! Welcome to the adventures you will take us on as you present your humor, family moments, and document an online journey to revel hereafter! 
Make a presentable, classy, and safe video profile.

Some tips with presenting yourself in ONLINE SAFETY:
  • Create a personal brand, nickname, and invest in selective presentation. You want to be known for something (you have seen the same outfit on some of those personalities on television) and want people to remember you. Update like an event and make it your seasonal transition if you plan on profiting with an audience. Highlight products, stylists, and marketing skills will be evident in your videos! This helps with keeping your daily identity safe, legal, unsearchable, and you won't be disappointed in mock versions of you if you become a big name.
  • When you are looking for followers in the thousands - you want to remember that you're going to need personal restraint. Professional guidance in marketing, search trademarks, and keywords you want to affiliate with can produce money. Know how you can invest in yourself safely by taking a class, joining a tech group (NEW-TRG), or researching at your leisure what legal complexities you may want to know! Some platforms may not allow advertising, costs and certain features can become a policy issue if you are unaware (but they can also change with your input as well)!
  • MMIW has taken its toll across the Country - why we haven't been effective in communication efforts and forming reaction parties is beyond me. Create affiliative groups and keep them local with search parties and do mock trials with missing for your area. How would you react? Did you have check-ins as a group? Did you use the buddy system and able to use technology to save you (tracking phone)? Test these technologies - report their use and recommend to your friends!
  • Do not add strangers to your profile because one of your relatives added them. This is sometimes a slow strategy to gain personal information from your page if private. The tactic is building trust. It is ok to deny them because it is best to know personally with less censored information from your private life. 
  • Monitor your check-ins. If you have no problem with your friend list, check-ins can be a convenient way of showing your migrational patterns and trusted sites. Use them wisely! 
  • Research ways you can be found and minimize that impact. The last name is huge in Native American communities. Once your last name is exposed in identifying who you know - it has to be reciprocated. Ask who they are in return, notice them, listen. People tend to relax during these encounters when they are proud to be known, don't be fooled. 
  • In any technological advancement think of it as a tool. Research it. Tracking functions. Permissions on your cell phone and turning them off when not in use. Remember to protect your contact list and question why it is needed. If the application you are using is requesting odd things from you and its a new source or random application - these are developed by actual people where there are no laws in what is available to download! 

Main thing is to always protect yourself! 

Over exposure and buildng an audience can be fun but remember that MMIW and dissecting the culture with human studies is over-generalizing our direct impact with trust, peace, friendship. Remember to support your anonymity and identity by keeping those at home. Not everything has to be shared or exposed - some culturally sensitive information should remain offline. Please. 

Do provide censorship when possible, allow the impact of emotion to affect when appropriate. Some culturally sensitive images, ideas, stories, and content must remain offline and/or subject to care for seasonal or otherwise proper care for comments. Ask permission as well. That is an etiquette that you can invest in!

Native American image - SERP from 9-4-24
Google SERP "Native American". September 4, 2024.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments - let us know! 

Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...