Wednesday, July 26, 2023

NEW-TRG July 26, 2023

NEW-TRG Community and Research Flyer


During the Oneida Bicentennial Breakfast Event, the historical timeline of events were addressed as a pivotal linear recollection of a path Oneida took to get here. Acknowledging establishments, businesses, laws, and the resilience of its time. Keynote speakers, political representatives (Wisconsin Governor, Oneida Business Committee, singers, dancers, servers, audience, and companionship with the Brothertown Nation (Stockbridge-Munsee) amused the age of a Nation and its surrounding towns with their present charm for operating diligently to provide for future generations yet to arrive. The foundation has remained strong and it is encouraged to persist into the future. This means, providing technological improvements to our cultural way of life. 

The Woodland Art Gallery in the lobby of the Radisson provided insight of the history and recovery of talent, art, and athleticism with a natural color in traditional items. The impact it has made needs to perpetuate the self-sustenance philosophy by exemplifying artworks in the form of projecting our future impact by providing the necessary educational tools to equip our community without its language. How do we do this without using the printed text and guidance of our elders? Technology is a new elder speaking and that is happening now! Engage in conversations, listen to technological natives speak about their studies, and learn from them. Begin to create your eldership by seeking IT Field topics now and researching your input to bring to your local GTC, favorite BC member, or within your own homestead. 

Start creating those connections with resolving our cultural stance on technology today!

Native American communities and culture do input with technology - all of their artwork, colors, blends, and craftsmanship can provide a technological definition of what it means for the future. The moves we make in lacrosse, hurdling into formations, all require definitions that can be transcended into navigating an invisible layer within our atmosphere to combat with the Great Migrations. Perhaps our fastest emblems in the bat and flying squirrel can contend with how we want our internet to disperse within sovereignty by first studying the signal pollution and reconciling its environmental impact. Talk about the Great Migration that took weeks, the whole month, and anticipate the season change with their arrival home. Indicating a direction, perhaps, your first idea of direction with North and South, and how it has changed with our new generation. Thousands if not millions of these migratory birds, now gone. The new elder is changing and with it, those childhood years of witnessing the environmental impact. We have new subjects to study and we have to allow ourselves the rate to change and adapt - and recognize it, for the sake of our children. What will they see different? What will they know to do? Will they be able to protect their children's future and cultural connections with the natural environment? A new elder indeed!

Start with: Identifying that mental capacity blocking your willingness to learn and work on wanting to learn more. Read. Just do it. Read. Use the tooltip (when hovering over a word, your device should give you options on what to do - copy, paste, define. Define will take you to a definition of the word while reading without disrupting your page by opening it up in a separate window. Check it out. Try it!) and keep improving yourself!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Virtual Involvement - How to submit an IT Project!

 Submitting an IT Project to post on NEW - Technical Resource Group Blog Website!

"Tech Breath" Image developed using Creative Adobe Beta

First, you need great content. What topic are you writing about? Research and use citations within the article is preferred. If you have really good websites to recommend or a specific journal you are referencing - you can use citations at the bottom of your initial email document (and TRG will input them where you reference that piece if you do not know how to do that just yet with a link). 

Next, you should have an original image to go with your article. Something relevant, you can create it using other websites, or stock photos. But beware - if you are using something that is pre-made or stock images please also refer to their citation and credit whoever owns it. Very important!

And when you have enough blog posting criteria gathered and you want to submit a NEW-TRG article to be posted with then email: and we will go over your submission at the TRG meetings and post on the blog after editing and agreement!

Please send word .doc files, you may use .pdf files if necessary and if you can send the image file with it as well. If you are using video files, that can also be done. The typical mp4 files work best with that. And there is no preference for zipping files - as long as you send it through the email account, it should work regardless.

If you do not know these instructions (perhaps the file extension names or types of file sending to do this) it would be a great time to learn at a TRG meeting. We can discuss how to send files and the best way to do it while going over other relevant content. 

When submitting an article, it should be noted that this is a community blog for NEW - TRG. So, content should be helpful, the readability should be at your learning pace, and encouraging for others to continue reading the blog and learning or producing a "how-to-start" project at home that they can reference or follow along with your blog post. 
We are also looking for feedback from other blog posts we can archive together - what you thought about an article, what you understood, clarifying anything that you had difficulties with (perhaps the main theme of the website is hard to understand content with - sometimes it is the details that throw us off from the learning aspect of what we see). Let us know by leaving comments or emailing

This group does encourage professionals, IT interest groups, and community members of any interest with developing an IT Skill and surrounding yourself with IT Topics. Develop an IT opinion and be heard about something technological in your community!

NEW-TRG Sticker

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Study ANY IT Topic At Your Convenience!

 Maybe you don't know your way around a computer...

But you want to learn, at your own pace. Perhaps you just don't know where to look. Nothing online is ever easy if you do not know what you want to learn about the internet, computer, services, applications, etc. if you never started or haven't had the time to talk to an IT Professional. 

I do not believe it was available within a year's time. More Microsoft.Learns documents are being remodeled to adapt the User interactions by engaging with read, see examples, and test for points that are activated on your gmail accounts. It records your progress as you go through certain subjects at your own pace, as if you are progressing to build confidence to put yourself in an educational goal setting mindset. Perfect for anybody who has not been in school for some years and for the Z Gen's who have adapted to virtual concepts in educational settings as of recently. 

Check out the Microsoft.Learn website and click on the tabs at the top for "Training" for the modules that are prepared to teach you how to use whatever subject you would like to get primed for. This is exactly like the "Brilliant" website recommended in another blog post for students to engage with over the summer months off of school. I suggest this for adults, more, and for Software Developers. 

Home Page (Training)- Microsoft.Learns Screenshot

This is a screenshot of the homepage banner (above). Notice the tabs at the top are highlighted for bringing you to this dashboard of options (below, zoomed out).

Microsoft.Learns Training Modules - ScreenShot

The filters on the left hand side of the page here can be scrolled through. At the level of your computer knowledge, activate one or two things and check out the modules they provide. If you want to fine-tune further, keep providing the left options more indication of what you are looking for to learn. This is preference-based. 

Part of the TRG meeting time's will be based on developing these skills, where to find resources online or within the community, how to use the computer effectively so you can use it as you need. If you want to start with something, anything, to get going with learning an IT Skill - this would be a great start. 
I can discuss with you what works best for you - because it may depend on the computer you have or use, if you have a personal goal you want to achieve, how much time you want to invest in the project, and how you learn. 

Check out the Next TRG Meeting Schedule (Blog Post)! We meet every other Wednesday at the Community Education Center (CEC) "Career Center" on Packerland Dr. in Green Bay, Northeast Wisconsin from 12pm to 2pm. There is a video in the blog showing you exactly which room it is located (going through the main doors and curling around by the vending into the room - you can ask the front desk where the TRG meeting is also!

These are open and free to the public! Just a group to talk about IT Topics and learn together. Creating an IT atmosphere. A place to share a project you have done, want to do, or willing to input an opinion on your stance with the IT Community being formed with the NativeTRG.BlogSpot.Com website!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

How-To-Start: Youtube Channel

How-to-Start: Youtube Channel

Brooke Metoxen-Smith, TRG Project Coordinator

Learning a technological role can range from the image creations, the content writing, the code, the syntax design, the hardware components, the wiring, and network connections (to name a few) and they may not always involve educational steps for marketing, SEO (google optimization for search techniques), front-end user grips to contend with a user-friendly experience in handicaps, age, and skill. 

I recommend checking out the article link and reading its content to understand parts of the youtube channel that should be considered in almost any project. Youtube has an algorithm that recommends videos based on preference, if you are within a subject and have quality videos - you could rank and potentially get sponsored to make more videos and get paid for it!  

Article from Beau Carnes on Starting a YouTube Channel

Beau Cannes talks about personal experience and recommendations throughout the article that could venture into a prosperous personal branding experience or resume improvement. I like that he didn't use some of the software I am familiar with and how diverse those options are online. 

The experience I have with Adobe Audition and Podcasting is enough to know - you must first learn the ropes to connect that bridge for what you are building in what is time consuming! It takes an extensive amount of time to understand each concept of editing, recording, content research, and production of the youtube video to maintain a channel. This is highly recommended as a group effort. 

What is the role and what is the project?

Main roles to consider are content researcher, recording (audio and video), editing, and group finalization. The group finalization is a point of contact that puts the details together, discusses any minor flaws to revamp together, and using the editing process in a collective to celebrate that push onto the internet feedback of online reputation. 

Project Goal: Making an Oneida Language Software Video of stories talking about technology, new words using technology, and using keyword extractions to code with a long-term project of developing an Oneida Software Programming Language with its own Syntax. 

In this project, there are multiple roles to fill in the research category: 
1. Oneida Language Reference, Book, Library, Elder
2. Video recording media (cartoon, image, visual studio interaction, pictures)
3. Audio recording media (voice, script writing)
4. Keyword Programmer (Syntax library collection, software developer, reference)
5. Youtube Channel monitor/administrator (organize channel and configure audience with other channels with the language restoration goal)

Educating future roles now by integrating technological keywords with the language to remedy the gap in public curriculum using cultural value systems!

What are some other projects that you would like to see the Technical Resource Group do? Please leave comments below and subscribe at the top right of the website by putting in your email address to get prompts of the latest blog posts! 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

All Ages: Check This Out!

 Brilliant: a website designed to help maintain your math skills and so much more!

I have been searching online for different websites to maintain mathematical explanations, research for interactive platforms, and something that is forgiving in data input that keeps the lesson going without hanging on a question that you cannot answer just yet. This website provides multiple courses (annual billing and free) for your leisure learning. 

I highly recommend spending your free-time learning some of the computer "How Technology Works" modules and what you have no skill in or need improvement in. 

Brilliant Website Link 

Brilliant Website Snip Review

The website console provides competition to rank in their courses, provides courses that are recommended for you, and checking out the top "Courses" tab, there is so much more to choose from. From basic mathematics to algebra, to its advanced forms, calculus, and computer science. 

Doing the module courses, they are simple, explain in steps with images. It helps you understand how computer data and images are being used in the American definition of developing a base with career-centric flow charts, language, tone, and professionalism in both user and developer perspective. If you are reviewing the website to complete and allowing your students, children, siblings, or duty to community it is the practice of translation in any educational setting to present education as how it can be understood and answered. 

Important Educational Advice for Cultural Learners

In my cultural education and learning technology - it has been difficult to understand concepts, language, and history of what they are presenting in public education curriculum. I had difficulty with understanding the why, where it came from, how it relates to me now and in my future (very important to develop a sense of maturity for a career path). In my social science reviews for educating Indian Students (revised by tribal priests, missionaries, history books from Native American scholars) as a subject that differentiates a value system not like all other Americans - it is important to remember your priorities and place in the cultural student educator role. Your advice being denounced with other "fact checking" or studied material could demean the education process entirely. That is not what we want as a community when learning technology. 

To better explain this value-system and integrating educators by category, let us ask our employee base with customer service and product inventory (purchasing agents, researchers, inventors) those relations in modern business without comparing our traditional business and civic models. We have to separate these foundational teachings and provide a sense of betterment, in placing time to be valued with technological research and study to improve our future businesses without displaying tradition in competition with facets that need us to do that as we learn today. We want the student to realize that they are needed to improve those traditional businesses with their place in the future line of work by being able to coordinate value system, identity, pride, and traditional customs by taking what is needed to accomplish those goals to be considered vital and contributing towards the American education systems. 

It does change what we grew up with (take only what is needed, at your level in the berry bushes) but it is still remembered! Cultural education is a new perspective of what is available in mainstream America. We can provide something that they have surpassed, did not understand themselves, or consider in their refined works towards providing that skill to use. 

We don't want it to change us, we want to change it (if we can)!

Advice: Review websites and be able to answer your children's questions as much as possible. Talk with them about mathematics. Create a theme with it when cooking, harvesting, homework. Make time for it. It does lead into the technological era and they will benefit from it, thinking of their parental time and talking math, science, research.

Counting in Cultural Ways

 What in culture are we looking at to set us apart from the rest of the world? There was an article (blog post) with duolingo that really pr...